Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas break boredom

I had two weeks off of work for Christmas and New Year's. I spent most of that time laying on my couch watching the Big Bang Theory. I work at a university where I get almost a month of vacation a year but I don't spend it because I'm too poor to travel. Apparently I also don't spend it because I don't have a life.

I was supposed to have my tonsils removed but I took aspirin the night before the surgery and it was canceled. But not before I woke up at 4:30AM in order to leave the house by 5:15 and get to the surgery center by 6. And also not before I took off all of my clothing, put on a gown and surgery-approved socks and a hair net. I seriously asked the nurse why I couldn't wear underwear. If I could remember her response I'd tell you.
I only briefly glanced at the list of unapproved medicines before the surgery, as you can imagine.

I was a little glad it was canceled because I hadn't bought my family Christmas presents. I spent a couple of days buying presents and baking an eggnog cheesecake to give to coworkers. (It smelled heavenly and tasted pretty good.) I would love to make gourmet food for a living. Or at least pick out recipes. I'm not so much a fan of mixing things and having dirty dishes.

I stayed with family 3 hours south for Christmas. It was lovely. I was in the home of my aunt and uncle with the rest of my mother's family. Due to a lack of beds I slept with my single aunt. She snored like a motor boat. I should have known when her own daughter refused to sleep in the bed with her. Being a loud snorer runs in my family. I can only hope that I can find a medical way around that one day. It is REALLY unattractive how loud we can get. (On night two I found a couch across the house to sleep on.)

I'd like to take the time to mention that I am very blessed to have a job, to have a family that cares about me, to have presents, to have coworkers, to have the health where I can function at almost a normal level, to have clothes and a roof over my head and such a good life.

Moving onward:

The rest of my vacation I could not leave the house for some reason. Maybe because it was gray outside, maybe because I have seasonal affective disorder, maybe because I didn't have actual plans and knew I didn't have money to spend at any stores. Being off of a schedule put me out of sorts.

Monday night I was the only girl at Family Home Evening and everyone else was watching football. I said the church should sponsor a game as a new marketing strategy. Two suggestions people threw out: "The Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Will Serve Bowl" and "The Faith Without Works is Dead Bowl." I think they both sound hilarious.

I'm back at work and SO TIRED ALL THE TIME. SO TIRED I COULD DIE. SO TIRED I FEEL LIKE I COULD COLLAPSE AT WORK AND MY BODY WOULD SHATTER INTO TINY PIECES AND I WOULD LEAVE IT AND FINALLY BE AT PEACE. Did I mention that my soul is attached to a body that's in mild, dull pain quite a lot? I think the extreme fatigue is due to not being able to sleep 10 hours a night and going full-force into my hectic life again. I need to scale back and put myself first. In the meantime, I'm going to my friend Paul's to help him grade tests followed by "Halo Wednesday" with Andrew.

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